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Jordan Shanks - Pastor

Harry Burgess

Cliff Price


Lynn Grant - Secretary

Robert Kempton - Treasurer

Frances Houlison

Margaret Neate


We are a diverse group of people with a common purpose:


“To know Jesus Christ, grow together in Him and make Him known to all to the glory of God”


What exactly does this mean? We meet together regularly and study the Bible to learn more about who Jesus Christ, the Lord of all is, to grow in our personal relationship with Him, and to encourage each another to share who Jesus is with others, like yourself.


  • Being based on the Bible – we believe that the Bible is the source of all truth about God, Jesus & life, so teaching from the Bible and meeting together to study it for ourselves is central to what we value and do.​

  • Praying faithfully – if you could personally talk with the God of the universe, wouldn’t you? Prayer isn’t about coming to God with a shopping list, but rather submitting our own will to His, sharing our concerns with Him, and asking for His help and guidance in life.​

  • Welcoming and caring for everyone – through Jesus, we are all invited into God’s family regardless of who we are, where we have come from and what we’ve done, and as followers of Jesus, we do the same. We care for each other in practical ways and acceptance, love, grace and forgiveness are essential to how we treat each other.​

  • Serving and equipping others – we actively encourage each other to use our God-given gifts and abilities to serve others inside and outside the Church, and help out with the various activities and tasks at Church. We also train and disciple each other to strengthen our skills and faith.

  • Supporting those who serve overseas – we are committed to supporting overseas mission, through resources, time and prayer. We want to help those who have less opportunity for learning about Jesus, and to aid them in personal and social development.


  • There is one God, eternally existing, Creator of all things, revealing Himself to us in three persons – the Father, the Son, and His Holy Spirit.

  • The Bible is God’s inspired revelation, and is our ultimate authority for faith, life and ministry.

  • All people are sinners, in need of salvation, which includes forgiveness and acceptance by God, transformation in this life, and eternal life.

  • Jesus Christ is fully divine and fully human. He died on the cross, rose again from the dead, and ascended into Heaven.

  • Jesus Christ, by His sacrificial death on the cross, made full atonement for sin. This atonement is offered by God’s grace, is the only basis for salvation, and is sufficient for all people – all who trust in Jesus Christ as the only means of salvation.

  • We humans are not able, by our own efforts, to transform ourselves. We must be converted. As we repent and turn to God, trusting in Jesus Christ, God’s Holy Spirit commences a process of transforming us to grow in Christlike character.

  • Baptism is a command of Christ, by full immersion, signifying repentance and the burial of the old sinful life, and rising to live a new life. Baptism is for believers. Therefore a person has to be of an age when they can understand and decide for themselves their need for repentance and faith in Jesus Christ.

  • There will be the resurrection of the dead – those who repented and trusted in Jesus Christ to eternal life; and the unsaved to condemnation.

  • The Lord Jesus Christ will return from Heaven to bring an end to this present corrupted world, and receive His followers to be with Him in His eternal Kingdom.

Dapto Baptist Church

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